Actual sin
Venial sins are sins that do not meet the requirements for mortal sins. The act of committing a venial sin does not cut off the sinner from God's grace, as the sinner hasn't rejected God.
Some Orthodox and Protestants Christians hold similar views.
We can see why sin is universal when we understand the terms God motivated to describe sin. Because rapist, murderer, drunkard, the robber and child-abuser are obviously evil, we readily agree that they're sinners. In our hearts we consider ourselves to be respectable citizens since we do none of those things. These terms, however, bring us face to face which it is not always obvious.
Moral evil as considered from a standpoint. Sin is regarded as the deliberate and purposeful violation of the will of God in Christianity and Judaism. See deadly sin. As a Christian, I think that is a sin against God.
Tennant, Origin and Propagation of Sin; Hyde, Sin and Its Forgiveness; chapter on"Incarnation and Atonement" in Bowne's Studies in Christianity; Stevens, Christian Doctrine of Salvation; Clarke, Christian Doctrine of God; various treatises on Systematic Theology. Kings compounded their sin by persecuting the prophets who pressed God's covenantal claims and sometimes rejecting. Ahaz even spurned God's free offer of deliverance from invasion; he thought he had arranged his own deliverance through an alliance with its gods and Assyria. Not all kings were crass; many strove to serve the Lord as they chose, in forbidden manners (Jeroboam I, Jehu, and other northern kings). Others tried to serve God and the Baals at once (Solomon, get more info the last kings of Judah, and lots of northern kings).
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