It is often called the moral influence theory of atonement and became fundamental to strands of Christian theology. Origen taught that Christ's death was a ransom paid on the souls of humanity. This was opposed by theologians such as St. Gregory Nazianzen, who claimed that this would have made Satan a power equal to God. I have come to believe that advertising is the web's sin.
Sin is not restricted to external conduct. It is buried inside the heart of one and very cleverly hidden from all but the most discerning. Did not God's warning prove true in Cain's life? We can't afford to ignore sin influence. Although God commands us not to eat certain animals, fish and birds (Leviticus 11; Deuteronomy 14), the man who lives by sight rationalizes these are only ceremonial laws.
The kings in question might have called it diplomacy; the prophets called it . Throughout the Bible every sin reaches things such as safety, knowledge, peace, pleasure, or a name, with some intrinsic value. But behind the appeal to something great, sin involves a confrontation between rebellion and obedience. Will Eve and Adam heed God's instructions or their impressions?
According to Aquinas the gravity of sin is based also on some disposition of the agent (cf. STh I--II q. 18, aa. 4, 6). Sin, venial by reason of its object, may become mortal.
Kings compounded their sin by persecuting the prophets who pressed against God claims and sometimes rejecting. Ahaz spurned God's free offer of deliverance from invasion; he thought he had organized his own deliverance through an alliance with Assyria and its gods. Not all kings were so crass; many strove to serve the Lord as they chose, in prohibited manners (Jeroboam I, Jehu, and other northern kings). Others attempted to serve God and the Baals at once (Solomon, the final kings of Judah, and many northern kings).
Moral evil as considered from a spiritual standpoint. Sin is regarded in Judaism and Christianity as the deliberate and purposeful violation of the will of God. See sin. As a Christian, I feel that is a sin against God.
It occurs when individual fixes his/her ultimate happiness, the previous end of his/her life (Lat. Finis ultimus) in the object of the venial sin. When venial sin is employed as a means to provoke mortal sin it becomes deadly as well, e.g. when somebody uses empty dialog or a conversation to seduce someone to commit adultery. Also sin, mortal by reason of its object, may become venial because of the agent's disposition when his evil behave does not have complete moral capacity, i.e. isn't deliberated by reason. When motions of unbelief arise in the brain that may happen for example.
Will they hear the Creator or a monster? Will they serve God or themselves? Who will judge what is right, God or people? Who will see to the outcomes? Ultimately, by taking the position of arbiter between the counsel of the serpent and God, Eve and Adam have elevated themselves over God and rebelled against him.